Thursday, April 9, 2009

If it wasn

I'm doing a science project and I need to know what would the world be like if newton haden't been born, or if he was stupid. I already know what he invented like the laws, but what did he do to help humanity?

Newton didn't invent the laws of gravity or physics, he simply explained what was already there. Leibniz invented calculus at about the same time as Newton, so this powerful mathematical tool would have been available even without Sir Isaac's intellect. The discovery of gravity and "Newtonian" physics probably wouldn't have been delayed by more than 50 years if he hadn't done so himself. As it is, Newton really marks the final transition from superstition (Newton was also an alchemist) to modern science.

His equations (while not as accurate as Einstein) were used to send Apollo 11 to the moon

well, I know a few people who would have tried to make ill-fated flights off their garage if they didn't know about gravity...

you might want to talk about that lol

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