Thursday, July 22, 2010

Find the intersection of -x 4y = 9 and 2x

Multiply the first equation by 2:

-2x 8y = 18...(i)

Second equation:

2x-5y = -12...(ii)

Now just add (i) and (ii):

-2x 8y = 18

2x-5y = -12


3y = 6

Divide both sides by 3:

y = 2

Plug the value of y in either equation:

2x-5y = -12

2x-(5*2) = -12

2x-10 = -12

Add 10 to both sides:

2x = -2

Divide both sides by 2:

x = -1

Therefore, (x,y) = (-1,2)...this is the intersection point of the two lines.

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